Acne and blemishes

and causes

Acne is a type of skin inflammation that affects hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It is cause by the accumulation of sebum, keratin, and bacteria within the skin follicles. The progressive blockage of pores leads to the formation of blemishes and blackheads (comedones), which may evolve in papules or pustules (pimples). In the most severe cases, acne is responsible for nodules and cysts.

Acne has multiple causes: an imbalance in hormones, stress, diet, and pollution can lead to an excessive sebum production and increased presence of bacteria on the skin. Moreover, it’s important to remember that anything causing inflammation worsens acne symptoms.

How to take care
of your skin?

For mild to moderate imperfections, you can adopt a daily skincare routine that focuses on purifying the skin, rebalancing sebum production, and stimulating cell renewal.

If you suffer from pronounced imperfections and intense redness, we recommend consulting your doctor or dermatologist to identify the most suitable treatment.

Discover our skincare routines for a healty skin

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