Discoloration and dyschromia manifest as patches of various shapes and sizes which can be restricted to the face or affect other parts of the body as well.
Dark spots, also known as hyperchromia, are caused by an excess in the production of melanin, a pigment responsible for tanning and that protects cells from UV damage. Specific conditions can lead to an increase in melanin synthesis in localised areas, with the subsequent formation of dark spots.
In addition to hormonal influence (for example, during pregnancy or as a result of some known diseases), such discolorations can aldo be caused by sun exposure in conjunction with the intake of certain medications. In most cases, however, the origin of discolorations appearing on the face is unknown and is often linked to photoaging and excessive sun exposure over the years.
To understand how to properly treat discoloration it is necessary to know its cause: we recommend consulting a dermatologist as a first step to identify the best treatment for your needs and avoid putting your skin at risk.
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